Starting in 2023, roundtable kits will not be offered on a set schedule but will be offered if a particular event seems conducive to them. Please watch the groups.io group for announcements about when we will be holding these events or watch the calendar page for updates.
Some of our previously offered RTs are shown here!

What’s a Roundtable? These are small quarter scale kits that have a maximum price tag (for QC, that’s $7.50) and take less than a half hour to make. What’s a MEGA Roundtable? For these the price tag is increased (for QC, that’s a $15.00 limit) and the kit can take up to two hours to complete.
Interested in offering a roundtable kit for sale on QC? Watch the groups.io group for announcements about future planned offerings. Please contact our roundtable chair, Kathy Abdinoor, for more information.
Or download the applications here:
RT application in .doc format
RT application in .pdf format
Mega RT application in .doc format
Mega RT application in .pdf format
Quarter Connection roundtable kits are presented as a service to the QC membership. They are not pre-evaluated in any way prior to presentation on this website. QC responsibility is for advertising only. Roundtable kit purchases are a business transaction between the member purchasing the kits and the vendor selling the kits. QC bears no financial responsibility for any issues that may arise. In the unlikely event that a member has a problem with a kit, please notify the QC team.