Welcome to the QC Website

Silver Jubilee Weekend – Games Holding Page

Friday, September 13th

Find the Team Game.   

Our team will be wandering around the Mini Weekend site all weekend long.  Find us today and send an email with the location before midnight tonight Eastern time, Friday, September 13th, and be entered in a drawing for a prize.   Please use the subject line:  “Find The Team Friday.”  The team will move every night, so look for them today, Saturday AND Sunday for three chances to win. 

Find the Kittens.  These kittens are ready for a party and they brought along their books to go with our souvenir project too.  Hidden throughout the Quarter Connection website are 9 kittens.  They are where they are and they’re not moving during the mini weekend.  Find all 9 and send an email with the 9 locations before 2:00 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, September 15th, to be entered in a drawing for a prize.  Please use the subject line:  “Find The Kittens.”  Here’s one to get you started!  Now go find the 8 others!

Let’s Measure Up!   We all work in quarter inch scale but are you comfortable converting the measurements from real-life items into 1:48?  Test your math (or logic) skills with this puzzle.    

Print the .pdf file here, figure out the answer to the 10 questions in the puzzle, then take a picture of the completed answer form, or type a list with your answers into an email.  Then send it before midnight tonight Eastern time, Friday, September 13th, to be entered in a drawing for a prize.  Please use the subject line:  “What Size Should it Be?”

Word Search Puzzle:  My Quarter Connection.   Print the .pdf file here, find and mark all the words hidden in the puzzle, then take a picture of the completed puzzle or scan the completed puzzle and email it before midnight tonight Eastern time, Friday, September 13th, to be entered in a drawing for a prize.  Please use the subject line:  “Word Search game”

A Miniature T2T (Trash to Treasure)   

For this game, you will need to use ALL of the following items: 

  • A BREAD BAG TIE – any type that comes on your bag, whether wire, plastic etc. will work
  • A Q-TIP
  • THE LEFTOVER MOTHERBOARD from any kit.  This is the leftover part from a laser cut kit, not computer parts.
  • A CAP/LID from any bottle or jar or container.  Any size cap or container will work, whether a toothpaste cap or paint can lid or anything in between.  The cap/lid must be used in its entirety, you can embellish it any way you choose, but you cannot cut it up.  The other 3 items, you can use pieces of them and you can cut them up anyway they will work best.
  • You can add anything you have in your stash to complete your T2T entry.

You’ll have until Sunday, September 15th, at noon to complete and submit (2) photos of your T2T entry.  Upload a “before” photo showing the items you chose, and an “after” photo showing what you have made.  

All photos need to be put in THE GROUPS.IO ALBUM labeled “2024 Silver Jubilee T2T Entries”.  Make sure your name is shown on the files with your entry photos.

A winner will be drawn at random from the entries received, and the prize will be a little bigger than the usual game prizes ’cause you’re having to work extra for this one!

SAMPLE PHOTO – Trash to Treasure “BEFORE”.  Bread bag plastic closure, Q-tip, wood “motherboard” pieces, and “cap” from a laundry detergent bottle.

SAMPLE PHOTO – Trash to Treasure “AFTER”.  “My Garden Window” scene with the addition of some leftover siding graphics, lansdcaping materials and an adorable Susie Newell doll.

BINGO!  Join the 4:00 p.m. (eastern time) Social ZOOM to play Bingo and win prizes!! 

Links to all of the zoom sessions are on our Groups.io site in the “Calendar” section.

Get your Bingo Card for today’s game at the Bingo Baker link HERE before joining the Zoom.

Saturday, September 14th

Find the Team Game.  The team will move around 10 a.m. Eastern time each day.  Make sure you wait to find us until we’ve moved or your entry won’t count.  Friday we were on the “Prizes” page.  Where are we today??

Find us today and send an email with the location before midnight tonight Eastern time, Saturday, September 14th, and be entered in a drawing for a prize.   Please use the subject line:  “Find The Team Saturday.”  The team will move every night, so look for us again tomorrow!  

Celebration Words.  How many words can you make from the letters in “Silver Jubilee Celebration”    “Silver”, “Jubilee”, and “Celebration” don’t count.  But see how many OTHER words you can make.  Email your list, including the number of words that you made before midnight tonight Eastern Time, Saturday, September 14th.  Use the subject line “Celebration Words.”   We’ll do a random drawing from the 10 entries with the most words.  

Cake Puzzle.  You can’t have a celebration without some cake!  So we converted the special QC Cake Workshop from Ruth Stewart into a jigsaw puzzle.  You can find the jigsaw puzzle here: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=24dea02e2fbb

Work the puzzle…take a picture of your screen showing the completed puzzle (if you don’t know how to do that, you can just send an email saying that you did because who is going to lie about completing a Cake jigsaw puzzle?) before midnight tonight Eastern Time, Saturday, September 14th, and be entered in a drawing for a prize.  Use the subject line “Cake”.  

BINGO!  Join the 4:00 p.m. (eastern time) Social ZOOM to play Bingo and win prizes!! 

Links to all of the zoom sessions are on our Groups.io site in the “Calendar” section.

Get your Bingo Card for today’s game at the Bingo Baker link HERE before joining the Zoom.

Sunday, September 15th

Find the Team Game.  The team will move around 10 a.m. Eastern time each day.  Make sure you wait to find us until we’ve moved or your entry won’t count.  Saturday we were on the “Raffles” page.  Where are we today??

Find us today and send an email with the location before 2:00 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, September 15th, and be entered in a drawing for a prize.   Please use the subject line:  “Find The Team Sunday.”  The team will move every night, so look for us again tomorrow!  

Favorite Book Match.  How well do you know your QC Team?  We asked the team to name their favorite books.  Some went current…some went back to their childhoods.   Your job is to match the books to the team member!

Print the .pdf file here.  It contains a list of team members and their favorites.  Just match the team member to the favorite.  Draw lines connecting each team member to their favorite book and then snap a picture of your results and submit it before 2:00 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, September 15th.  The person who gets the most correct answers will win.  If there’s a tie, we’ll do a random drawing among those with the most correct answers.  

Famous Pen Names.  Since the tagline for our Silver Jubilee Weekend is “A Bookcase of Memories” , we thought that we would test your knowledge of some of the more famous authors.  For various reasons, the authors on the attached list published some of their most famous works under a pseudonym, or pen name.  Use your memory (or your google skills) to match the Pen Name on the left to the Real, Given Name on the right.  Some of them may really surprise you!

Print the .pdf file here, figure out the answer to the 20 names on the list, then take a picture of the completed answer form, or type a list with your answers into an email.  Then send it before 2:00 p.m. Eastern time on Sunday, September 15th, to be entered in a drawing for a prize.  Please use the subject line:  “Famous Pen Names”.

BINGO!  Join the 4:00 p.m. (eastern time) Social ZOOM to play Bingo and win prizes!! 

Links to all of the zoom sessions are on our Groups.io site in the “Calendar” section.

Get your Bingo Card for today’s game at the Bingo Baker link HERE before joining the Zoom.