We hope everyone has been enjoying our Silver Jubilee year-long celebration of Quarter Connection’s 25th anniversary. Since the theme of our Weekend was “A Bookcase of Memories”, the Free Project designed for the event was a book-filled market stall.
Have you started your own book stall? That’s great. If books aren’t your thing, Kathy has created (9) new roof designs for you to choose from. There are now graphics for different seasons, holidays, and celebrations. Thank you Kathy!
The rules:
- Create whatever type of market stall you’d like using the stall pattern provided. Download the files you will need from the QC groups.io site. Go to the files section, free project files and look for “2024 Silver Jubilee Free Project.”
- Complete your creation and upload your photo(s) to our Market Stall Challenge folder by November 30.
Everyone participating will be entered into a drawing for a prize.
Let’s see what we all can create!
* Sample photos – Click on picture for larger view *